Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Splenectomy 2014

After 2.5 years of dealing with Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia, unsuccessfully going the meds route with varying degrees of Prednisone, decision was made to go for spleen removal.  Scheduled surgery for a lapiscopic(sp) procedure, went on the table under thei blade on the 24th.  Best laid plans------- went out the window when the item to be discarded proved to be twice normal size, somewhat scarred and weak in tissue structure.  Back to basic full blown abdominal surgery with increased blood loss(which I can ill afford to lose) and prolonged recovery time, now in the seventh day. Three days in ICU and four in general surgical.
Can not say enough good things about the folks here at Midcoast Hospital in Brunswick, Maine.  With only one exception(more on this later), everyone here LISTENS !!  Most refreshing compared to other health care facilities in the area, including my local hospital.
The only issue was when I requested a NG tube to relieve bowel distension.  Prior experiences dictate that my system does not react well to prolonged anesthesia and my plumbing is exceptionally slow to recover its normal function.  Everyone was quite reluctant to administer this approach, but after 24 hours of pleading and finally threat of verbal execution, my surgeon finally listened and performed said requested  procedure.  Relief was immediate.  I WON !!
Looking forward to release from my present bonds and returning home for a normal recuperation.
My lab numbers are improving daily and hopefully I will be among the 60 % who benefit significantly from this procedure in the long run.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Perhaps its the early morning sun casting long shadows over last night's meager snow fall combined with rain and forming a layer of ice on Everything.

It could also be, that while sitting here catching my breath after an hour of pushing snow about, I was reading Kristi's "French Word of the Day" and realized that I might have a thought or two worth putting to pen, so to speak.

Maybe it is the fact that I have not written a thing here in nearly a lifetime, or so it seems.

Anyway, last night was the State of the Union Address and all the hoopla that goes with it. Nothing too inspiring, at least, I  perceive, to most common sensed people, of which I include myself.  As a moderate independent, to me the whole political scene is one big 8 ring circus, or is it 9?

Hell, I can't remember all the names of those in the fray.  Enough politics.

After four and a half years of putting up with Idiopathic(operative word) Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia,  varying doses of Prednisone(between 1 & 80 mg per day), a splenectomy, over 400 blood draws, 4 transfusions(2 units each) and a roller coaster ride second to none, I may be out of the woods.  Only time will tell.  I feel good.  I have energy enough to get things done, sleeping well, holding my weight within tolerable limits and a genearl sense of well being.  It has been a LOOONNNGGG battle. Keeping the appropriate number of fingers crossed.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Midsummer 2008

20 July
Well, we are on the slippery slope to fall.  Lots happening here in Bristol Mills.  Installing a new propane-fired heating system after being here for 21 years.  The ole oil-fired hot air system finally STB.   Planning on saving BIG money with the new package.  New boiler is no bigger than a Microwave but a wee bit bigger than a breadbox.  It took the Canadians to develop a good unit in the Trinity series boiler manufactured in Sussex, New Brunswick.  Definitely plan to visit the plant in September during our annual trip to the Maritimes.
Cane & Canvas still marches on albeit at a bit slower pace than in the past.  Still have 4 boats to complete.  Covering kits are moving at about two per month.  Lots of recaning in house and promises of more for the winter.  Will close the shop when the temp drops below freezing as there is no way in hell will I try to heat that "barn" come winter.  With the new heating system installed, I'll have enough room in the cellar (definitely Not a basement) to work on one boat.